This ethnographic profile delves into the cultural practices, historical background, and social structure of the Mullakkurumar community residing in Wayanad District, Kerala. Also known as Mullu Kuruman, Mulla Kuruman, and Mala Kuruman, they are believed to be the indigenous inhabitants of Wayanad and are distributed in adjoining parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka states.
Geographic Distribution
The Mullakkurumar community is primarily distributed across several gram panchayaths, including Meenangadi, Noolpuzha, Nenmeni, Poothadi, Ambalavayal, Pulpally, Kaniyambetta, and Sulthanbathery, all within Wayanad District.
Demographic Details
The Mullakkurumar community had a population of 20,983 as per the KILA Survey of 2008. In the 15-59 age group, they numbered 15,024. Among them, 4,887 were students or not working, while 5,142 were engaged in agricultural labor as their primary occupation. Additionally, 1,316 individuals had agriculture as their primary occupation, and 7.48% of the population worked in the government sector.
Historical Origins and Language
Mullakkurumars are believed to be descendants of Veda Kings who originally ruled Wayanad, signifying their autochthonous connection to the region. The older generation speaks a distinct dialect, while the new generation has adopted Malayalam as their primary language.
Social Structure and Political Organization
Mullakkurumar settlements are referred to as "Kudi," each governed by a "Porunnavan" who oversees traditional social organization. The Porunnavan is assisted by a "Porathavan" and others, while a group of nearby settlements is collectively governed by a common headman. Above all, a chief headman known as "Nadukarnavan" presides over the community. The traditional political organization was so robust that fortified centers existed, with remnants testifying to their strength.
In conclusion, this ethnographic profile offers valuable insights into the cultural heritage, social structure, and historical origins of the Mullakkurumar community in Wayanad District, Kerala. Believed to be autochthones of Wayanad and descendants of Veda Kings, their traditional social and political organization highlights their unique identity. As the community adapts to modern times and the younger generation embraces Malayalam, preserving their cultural heritage and historical legacy remain essential for their continued identity and progress.
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Totem Resource Centre, Chennalode, Wayanad Kerala
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